Four Things I Hate as a Photographer

Before I delve into the gist of this writeup, it is important to explain well in advance that as a photographer, I love my job so much, despite the challenges I experience (there is no career without challenges, after all). Hence, don’t get me wrong when I talk of the things I hate as a photographer. Hopefully that is settled. Now, back to the gist: what I hate with passion in my career as a professional photographer.

Well, while every professional photographer may have their own unique challenges, I believe that no photographer in their right mind would love the following four things. Whether you take a dissenting view on this or not, that is neither here nor there, but I believe that you will see sense in what I’m saying once you have read this article. So, in honor of my fellow photographers, let me dive into the things that get into my nerves (and hopefully in the nerves of most photographers) straight away.

Giving Out Raw Photos

Nothing irritates me like a client demanding to have the original, unedited images. Sure, the photos belong to them and they have right to have them in the form they want (raw or finished), but that does not auger well with me. While most clients would ask this without any ill motive, it is not something to be taken lightly on the photographer’s end.

As a photographer, I’m a businessman, and I like it when I get referrals. It is my past work which brings in these referrals. So, going out there with unfinished images is likely to spark negative comments from potential customers, and that would ruin my job as a photographer. As I come to the end of this particular section, allow me to quote Daniela Bowker, a celebrated author and photographer, who said that to ask a photographer for raw images is like asking a book manuscript (unformatted, uncompiled, and unedited) from an author.

When I See a Client Sharing My Photos in an Edited Format

Yes, you have every right to use your photos however you want once I have handed them over to you. After all, I did not do some promo work; you paid me for the work. However, one thing to remember is that I’m a professional photographer and that is why you hired me to do the job which you could not do yourself. And while I have no problem with my clients editing their photos, sharing such photos on social media platforms, such as Facebook, would tarnish my business. That is because there are certain things non-professional photographers (clients) may get wrong, and it may be concluded that it was the mistake of the photographer, meaning that I have to take the hit. I suggest that clients edit photos and keep to themselves, rather than share them.

Competition from Cell Phone Photographers

As a photographer, I have been hired to shoot photos at various events, including weddings, funerals, birthday parties, and other events. What angers me, however, is the fact that I find so many cell phone ‘photographers’ at these events, and I have to compete with them for attention. While I have no problem with these people, the fact remains that they tamper with the outcome of my photo shoots. With tens of ‘cameras’ focusing on my client, it is easy for the client to forget focusing on the real camera, yet it is what they have paid for. This affects the quality of my photos, and I simply don’t like it.

Having to Copy paste Other Peoples Ideas

Who doesn’t know that it is a bad thing to steal other people’s unique ideas. In my career as a photographer, I have had people telling me, “I want images like that one I saw on Pinterest,” or something to that effect. What?! Now, while I do what they ask, stealing another photographer’s original, unique idea is not fair. And truth be told; I feel demeaned sometimes.